Yes We Did!
As you know, the Village elections have concluded and I am delighted with the outcome. The three incoming Trustees are: Ted McKenna, Alan Swanson and me. This victory belongs to every voter, every resident and especially to you. Thank you for your support over the past 10 weeks and thank you in advance for your support over the next 4 years.
I have a lot of people to thank for working hard on this campaign. The supporters who held coffees, handed out fliers, made calls, crunched data, put up signs, took down signs, sent e-mails, gathered supplies, wrote letters and provided daily encouragement all deserve a huge amount of credit and gratitude. I cannot adequately put into words my appreciation. Diane and I are both amazed at the generosity of our friends and neighbors.
Your support does not end today, we are just getting started! Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me and I truly hope to make you proud.
Thank you for making Wilmette a great Village.
Thank you for visiting the web site of Cameron Krueger, candidate for Wilmette Village Trustee. I have lived in Wilmette for 12 years and am in the middle of raising four kids, two dogs, a cat, a rat and a lizard. My wife, Diane, and I have built our adult lives here and we truly love the Village and all it affords our family and friends. We have been active in the local schools and youth sports teams and believe now is the time to get involved with making Wilmette even better.
The Village faces many hard decisions in the coming years. These will affect each one of us and we need good, sound, thinking and analysis applied to the direction setting in the Village. We need a business community that finds Wilmette attractive, we need fiscal strength to stem the tide of increasing taxes, we need a Master Plan that fosters the character of the Village that we all moved here for. I'd like to have a positive impact and need your vote on April 7, 2009.